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Audio Technica AT615a Bubble Leveller

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SKU 64430
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Machined aluminium housing turntable leveller that provides a precise level for horizontal adjustment of the turntable.

The Audio Technica AT615a Bubble Leveller, crafted for precision and convenience, stands as an essential accessory for any turntable arrangement. Its exceptional accuracy ensures precise vertical alignment, guaranteeing optimal turntable performance and safeguarding against potential damage caused by misalignment.

Built to last, the AT615a boasts robust construction, promising longevity and consistent performance over time. Alongside its durability, its user-friendly design promotes ease of use and effortless readability of the level state. Furthermore, its lightweight and compact design make handling and storage a breeze.

Beyond enhancing turntable performance, the AT615a Bubble Leveller plays a crucial role in extending the lifespan of your vinyl records. Its precise alignment reduces undue pressure on your records, preserving your treasured music collection for prolonged enjoyment.

Regular utilisation of the AT615a can yield improvements in sound quality. With your turntable accurately aligned, the stylus can faithfully trace the record grooves, resulting in enhanced sound output and a superior auditory experience. Additionally, it simplifies the routine maintenance of your turntable, ensuring consistently high sound quality.

The AT615a Bubble Leveller not only enhances your turntable's performance but also serves as an investment safeguard. By mitigating mechanical wear and tear from misalignment, it ensures the longevity of your record player, enabling continued enjoyment of your favourite music in pristine quality. This blend of performance enhancement and investment protection establishes the AT615a as an indispensable component of any turntable setup.

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